Wednesday, February 12, 2014

B is for Baggage

The older we get the more baggage we carry around with us.

This post is an exclusive exposé of what I carry around with me.

Exhibit A: The Exterior 
Pretty in Pink
This bag seems like it’s keeping it all together. It is fun, it’s lively, it has a hint of danger in the studding, but nothing that would immediately tip off that the contents are a jumbled mess of stuff and junk.

Exhibit B: The Lifelines 
Call me maybe?  Or Sam... Sam works too

These are what keep me connected with the world. First we have my wallet, which can be used to either conceal or reveal my identity. Then we have my phone which I use to store a database of my contacts; and play Sudoku on.

Exhibit C: The Decoy 
Pretty in Salmon
I bought this the other weekend and haven’t swapped my ID over to it yet.

Exhibit D: Bags 
The bags in my bags come in bags
Yes, my baggage has baggage! Blame the ACT for that one!

Exhibit E: Too many pens 
Maybe I should be a professional autographer
Do you need a pen? Do you need 8 pens? If I were an octopus this amount of ink would be appropriate.

Exhibit F: Prettifying things 
I have yet another BB cream in my wardrobe...
I have 2 BB creams because no one should look like how they really look like.

Exhibit G: The Unclassifieds 
I've already eaten one of these things...
Some things I haven’t made a category for. They just float around and show up when not expected.

Exhibit H: The Escape 
Mais est la key de l'heart?
I don’t condone throwing rocks at people, not matter how many times I read my key-ring. I carry bad advice with me – key-rings really are made to be rung.

Closing Statement
Bags, bags, bags – they're very useful things.  If we didn't have bags what would we use to put a lot of things in?


tomblah said...

Oups, je dois avoir accidentellement le mettre sur mon trousseau de clés. Haha

tomblah said...

C is for Canby?

Sammikins said...

My goodness

C is for Canby :)