Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It must be love

Once again Sammy has managed to put her cultural foot in it. Though it's not as mortifying as last time, it's still a bit special.

On Saturday I went to a house party and possibly drank too much. There was a lovely Japanese guy there named Masahiro. I got really excited because I studied Japanese for 5 years, and can say important phrases like "my phone number is..." So, asside from accidently giving him my phone number, I might've given him the wrong impression about my feelings for him.

I thought I was being sweet when I declaired "Masahiro ga daisuki desu!" but according to japanese culture this might actually be a big deal. No wonder he called me the next day! I think perhaps I'm taking this relationship a bit fast.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Josh says I focus on the wrong things. He gave me a book called, "what to say when you talk to yourself". I think it's mostly about positive thinking... I'm gonna try find a review of it and just pretend I read it.

Anyway, I sent him some photos of me because I love having my photo taken, and he pointed out that my favourite photos are usually about trying to hide what I don't like about myself, whereas he says he likes photos that accentuate my positive attributes. He think's my smile is my greatest attribute, sadly, when I genuinely smile I feel like it makes my least favourite attribute stand out, (I think it's my chin/jaw/neck/everything).

I dunno, maybe he's a glass is 'half full' kinda guy, and maybe I'm just a 'half empty' kinda gal, living in a crazy mixed up world of mugs.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Faux pas

Sometimes I'm a real moron.

The other day I was at Josh's grandparent's place. they're really lovely people, and despite the fact that I don't think his grandfather can hear me half the time, I feel really welcome there.

So I was talking to his grandfather, who's originally from Hungary, and he was talking about how he left his country and went to uni at Sydney. I, with all my tact, asked "why did you leave Hungary?". He told me that his friend and he left to go to uni elsewhere.

I was talking to Josh later and told him that his grandfather seemed a bit quiet after that... and Josh was like "yeah, he's Jewish and there was this thing called the 2nd World War!"

Man, I felt like such a cultural putz!