Sunday, August 19, 2012

The weighty tower

Two weeks ago I gave myself a Tarot reading which had “The Tower” as the final outcome.

The Tower, for those of us who don’t buy into divination, (which is pretty sensible really – Tarot and astrology work for me because they let me see things from a different perspective, a sort of mindfulness technique I developed for myself… (Mindfulness, for those who don’t buy into psychology, is a technique to pay attention to your present experiences without judgement, and accepting them for what they are))

Where was I?
The Tower
Oh yes.  The Tower represents the tearing down of belief structures.  It is the moment where we discover a shocking truth which shatters our perceptions and makes us reassess our beliefs. 

“Pfffft, what a crock!” I said to my Tarot reading.  “My life is amazing!  Work is fantastic; my boyfriend is super nice to me; I’m purchasing lots of books… Really, there’s nothing that could tear this solid structure apart!”

I stood up from the table, turned around and saw it in the corner of my eye – the device which assigns all my self-worth. I’d been avoiding it for some months, but suddenly I was allured, compelled and my curiosity took hold.  

I stepped on the scales and my world came crumbling down.

Curse you Tower!

Before this revelation I’d suspected I had put on a little winter weight, my clothes were a bit tight and I was generally feeling quite frumpy and uninspired, but the number that flashed before me was far larger than I expected. 

I cried.  I went into work feeling sorry for myself; embarrassed that everyone there could see me with this “winter weight” bulging over my regular-Sam sized pants.

I decided ‘losing weight’ wasn’t going to cut it this time.   I have lost weight so many times in my life, and I always manage to find it again.  When I lost something as a child, an adult would usually come over and help me find it again, and I believe the same thing has been happening with my weight.  (Damn adults always bringing me back my unwanted kilos!)

So I’m enacting a lifestyle change.  I’m tearing down those old habits and structures and I’m rebuilding myself. I’m going to the gym, drinking more water and I’ve stopped having seconds.

And I’m feeling good. (Birds in the sky, you know what I mean).  I’ve lost a few kilos already and my aforementioned amazing life is just getting a little more smiley.

The Tower is a scary card to draw in a reading. Unveiling a truth which will violently alter our belief system is frightening, but it is also liberating.  It allows us to find what is stable and reliable; what will stand rather than fall apart. Now I can build something from a solid foundation, and I get to design it myself!

This time my tower will stand with its head held high and its measurements with a perfect waist to hip ratio!