Saturday, September 23, 2017

I is for Impulsive

I don’t like making decisions.  I often find myself answering questions with questions.  It’s like I’ll ask someone if my opinion is correct.
It's actually pink

Sometimes I make statements with questions too.
So I’m dreadful at making decisions and having opinions.  The thing I have found though, is that when I’m alone I’m really quite impulsive.

Like, when I’m shopping with a friend I can’t for the life of me find anything I want to buy, when I’m by myself it’s a whole nother story!
How did I live without this sparkly dragon?
A couple of months ago I was driving down the road when a magpie swooped in front of me and I hit him with the bonnet of my car.  I had no idea what to do, so I got out of my car, picked the poor bird up, put him on my passenger seat and started driving.  

All was well for about 30 seconds, when I think both of us were still a bit shell shocked. Then he started singing, as if to say “alright, I’m good, you can let me out now”, but I was already on a main road on the way to the vet.  That’s when he started flying.  In my car.  While I was driving. 

It was then I realised I hadn't made the smartest decision.

Through the screaming and wild flapping we did eventually make it to the vet. The bird made a bit of a mess of my car, but I made a bit of a mess of his body, so I think we’re even.  I called the vet a few days later and they said he was in rehab. Or something. The important thing is that we survived.

So, a few weeks after that I was in the car with a friend when something flapped across the windshield. She thought she hit a bird but just kept driving on. I was astounded! Is that what you’re supposed to do? What is the protocol for involuntary birdslaughter? (And don’t worry dear reader - It turned out to not be a bird on this occasion, just another passengers’ wallet that was perched on the bonnet before we started driving. The funny thing is that if we'd have stopped we might've retrieved her wallet.  Funny tragic - not funny haha.)

Anyway, it is funny (haha) how reserved I am around other people and how uninhibited I am by myself.  I once heard that if you watched someone when they think they’re alone you can’t help but fall in love with that person.  I think that’s a beautiful idea.  Who are we when we’re just going about our business?  Are we different?  

I know that I am different.  I’m slowly slowly learning to let other people see my weirdness. Mostly when I'm blogging alone.  Well done.


Unknown said...

I love you, Sam. It's great to see you blogging again.

Sammikins said...

<3 I love you too Dad :)

tomblah said...

Sam's weirdness and difference something something good pancakes stick together! <3 <3

tomblah said...

Sparkly dragon!