I can completely understand why people develop avoidant personalities. It is so much easier sitting in your room lurking on the internet than it is to go outside and potentially encounter a horrible human being.
Last night I ventured out and had such an encounter.
I was waiting in line at a fast food place behind this horrible woman who was holding up the line talking to her friend instead of placing her order. I was getting annoyed so I decided to just go wait it out in my car. I was waiting for a couple of minutes when the horrible woman started walking to her car, which unfortunately was parked next to mine. As she got into her car she opened her door into the side of my car, while I was inside! She looked into my car and noticed I was in it and had this look like shit, sprung.
So I got out of my car and looked her like WTF? Then she started abusing me saying, “It was bound to happen" because I had parked next to her. How was I supposed to know she’d be too fucking fat to get into her car without damaging someone else’s property? The car park was full and it was the only spot left, I was well within the lines, and yet she managed to completely turn it around and make it my fault that she scratched my car.
Anyway, she drove off and I burst into tears. I wish I had more than one coping mechanism; bursting into tears is pretty ineffective any time after the age of 6.
Of course, I came up with a good comeback about 10 minutes later.
I hate confrontation though; I probably wouldn’t have used my comeback even if I had thought of it at the time.
I’m disheartened. I wonder if chancing a horrible person is like hearing a negative comment – for every negative comment about yourself you hear, it takes 5 positive comments to make up for it. Is it that for every horrible person you meet, it takes 5 decent people to restore your faith in humanity? Because right now my faith is pretty shaken...